• President of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Photo: Igor Farberov)

    Professor Asher Cohen

    President of the Hebrew University

    The Hebrew University was founded as the first major Zionist enterprise in Israel, already in 1925. Among its founders are some of the greatest scientists and intellectual giants of the twentieth century: Albert Einstein, Haim Weizmann, Haim Nachman Bialik, Martin Buber, and Sigmund Freud. Since its establishment, the university's researchers have been at the forefront of global research and have even won many prestigious awards over the years, including eight Nobel Prizes and many hundreds of Israel Prizes. 

    The President's Speach

News From the Presidents


Visit of the Deputy Director General and staff of the Strategy & International Affairs Division of the Council for Higher Education in the Edmond J. Safra Campus of the Hebrew University

17 July, 2024

During the visit, the Deputy Director General of International Affairs & Strategy, Dr. Naomi Beck, and staff members of her division, met with President of the University Prof. Asher Cohen, at the Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.

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At the beginning of the visit, the Division staff met with Prof. Oron Shagrir, the VP for International Affairs at the Hebrew University, for a discussion of the goals of the International Affairs unit of the Hebrew University.

Furthermore, they met with Prof. Meital Reches and Dvir Reches from the Research Infrastructure Unit, for a discussion of the Unit’s activities and their contributions to academic research.

Afterwards, the visiting members went for a tour of the Nano Center, along with the director of the Center Prof. Hadar Steinberg and the administrative director, Ms. Noa Gordon-Assayag.

Finally, the Division staff met with the University’s VP for Strategy and Diversity, Prof. Mona Khoury, and the managers of the Strategic Planning Unit, Prof. Yaacov Schul and Mr. Shlomi Zaken, for a discussion on the strategic plan for the Hebrew University and an explanation of the Strategic Planning Unit’s work.

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Maxim Dinshtein

Hebrew University Awards 2024 Doctorates and Bublick Honors

4 June, 2024

during the 87th session of the Board of Trustees, the Hebrew University honored five distinguished individuals with honorary doctorate degrees for their outstanding contributions to science, society, and the university. Additionally, the university bestowed the "Bublick" award upon three individuals in recognition of their significant impact on the advancement and development of the State of Israel. The ceremony took place at the Mount Scopus campus in the presence of notable figures from the business, public sectors, and academia, including Hebrew University President Prof. Asher Cohen and Rector Prof. Tamir Shafer.

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Honorary Doctorate Recipients:

Prof. Dr. Michael N. Hall, a Professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Basel, Switzerland, recognized for his groundbreaking research in cellular growth and physiological processes. Prof. Hall has also contributed to academic relations with Israel through his teaching at the Hebrew University.

Mrs. Viviana Goren Kasam, an award-winning journalist and prominent member of the Italian Jewish community, honored for her significant contributions to the Hebrew University and her support of female students in neuroscience and public health.

Judge Esther Hayut, retired President of the Supreme Court of Israel, celebrated for her influential rulings on constitutional law and her leadership in judiciary management, planning, and transparency.

Mr. John A. Paulson, an American businessman and philanthropist, acknowledged for his substantial support of education and the arts, including significant projects at the Hebrew University.

Ms. Lea Koenig Stolper, an iconic Israeli actress and recipient of the Israel Prize for Theater in 1987, recognized for her contributions to Israeli culture and her profound connection to Yiddish heritage.

Bublick Award Winners:

Prof. Dina Ben Yehuda, Director of the Hematology Department at Hadassah University Medical Center and former Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the Hebrew University, honored for her leadership in computational medicine and public health policy.

Mr. Haim Jelin, a former head of the Eshkol Regional Council, noted for his dedication to the development and resilience of communities in the Western Negev and his role in promoting national unity through the "Genesis Treaty."

Adv. Dan Yakir, President of the Civil Rights Association, recognized for his extensive contributions to civil rights, including landmark legal cases on equality, freedom of expression, and human rights.

Prof. Asher Cohen, President of Hebrew University extended his congratulations, stating, "This year, more than ever, we are proud to recognize an exceptional group of individuals who exemplify the spirit of Israeli society and democracy. Their contributions underscore the values of academic excellence, legal integrity, and community service that define the Hebrew University."


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In The Media

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Letters and Messages

Guidelines for Expressing Opinions and Ideas in the Hebrew University Community - November 2023

12 November, 2023


Dear members of the Hebrew University community,

In light of the public discourse on the subject of freedom of speech that has risen on account of the war, we have reached the conclusion that it is important to illuminate the University’s stance on the matter.

Attached you will find a document with guidelines for publishing opinions and ideas in the Hebrew University community.



Prof. Asher Cohen, President

Prof. Tamir Sheafer, Rector



November 2023

1 November, 2023


Dear members of the University community,

We find ourselves in the midst of a war that began with the appalling massacre perpetrated by the murderers of Hamas. This is of course an extremely difficult time for the State of Israel, and for the University community. Many of us, whether independently or in relation to our roles at the University, are volunteering in various ways in order to help and make a contribution wherever we can.

October 2023

18 October, 2023


Dear members of the Hebrew University community,

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