October 2023 - Academic Commissioner for Prevention of Sexual Harassment

17 October, 2023


Greetings to the Hebrew University community,

I would like to announce that in accordance with the University’s regulations for the prevention of sexual harassment, I have decide to appoint Prof. Shulamit Katzav to the position of academic commissioner for the prevention of sexual harassment at the Hebrew University. She will hold this position alongside Adv. Pepi Yakirevitch, who will continue to hold the position of administrative commissioner for the prevention of sexual harassment at the Hebrew University.

On behalf of the management and myself, I would like to wish her success in this important position.

You can find additional details on the University’s website for prevention of sexual harassment at: https://en.hatrada.huji.ac.il/

I would like to take this chance to thank Prof. Naomi Ori, who held this position during the past 3 years, and fulfilled her role with dedication.


Asher Cohen