An interview with "Calcalist" with the president of the university, Prof. Asher Cohen
14 June, 2018
Prof. Asher Cohen, president of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is clear why the state should invest in an institution that he has been running for nearly a year. "From a business point of view, we're the best investment the country can have. That's why we are coming from China," he says.
Newspaper article and Yedioth Jerusalem website - 100 years in photos
13 June, 2018
The cornerstone of the first Jewish university in Palestine was laid almost 100 years ago, in July 1918. Seven years later, the university was opened to students. In honor of the 100th anniversary of this festive cornerstone laying, we have been in the archives and found nostalgic photographs from the campus. Read more from the site "Mynet"