February 2020

February 10, 2020


To Members of the University Community,


The Commitment of the Hebrew University to Protect the Environment


The Hebrew University leads the efforts to decrease harm by mankind to the environment.  Promotion of the matter of environment is a moral command and at its base is the concern for the coming generations.


The Hebrew University leads in research of a tremendous scope in a variety of fields of existence, including ecological planning, renewed energy, sources of food and recycling and locating and in-depth understanding of global processes.  The University’s researchers have made an excellent contribution, local and international, in development of technologies, in understanding social and scientific processes and in increasing public awareness.


Alongside the research and teaching activities and public activities, the four campuses of the University have been declared “green campuses” by the Ministry for Protection of the Environment.  A professional body was established, “green campus”, entrusted with this matter in the University.  In addition, at the initiative of the Division for Construction and Infrastructure, broad projects have been carried out recently to limit harm to the environment and to demonstrate advanced technologies:


  • Covering the rooftops of the Mount Scopus Campus with PV panels which supply 1.2 mega-watt.  This is the largest academic solar system in Israel.
  • Replacing 400 shower heads in the Student Village to shower heads that save on water.
  • Placing controls on the campuses and the systems that preserve energy.
  • Environmental initiatives and financial support for initiatives proposed by the University community.
  • Solar water heating systems in the dormitories and the heating and cooling systems, and particularly efficient controls.
  • An awareness campaign for savings and improved behavior.
  • It is a decade now that all new projects in the University are constructed using the green building standard (at least Leed Silver).
  • The representative of the green council serves on the University’s Planning Committee.


In addition to these, the University is an active partner in the efforts to expand the lines of the light rail in Jerusalem and linking all of the University’s campuses in Jerusalem using the light rail.  Broad use of public transportation is efficient, and certainly one that is based on the electrical system will contribute greatly to decreasing the use of private cars and carbon exhausts.


We are working to promote recycling on the various campuses and working diligently to decrease use of paper and disposable dishes and to encourage a culture of savings, humility and sustainability also in our everyday dealings.


There is still much to be done.  Today, Tu B’Shvat, we call on all members of the University community to join in the environmental work.  On March 27, 2020 a delegation from the University will participate in the Climate March.  Join us for this March.


It is possible to reach members of the green campus through the internet website: https://greencampus.huji.ac.il/


Prof. Barak Medina                   Prof. Asher Cohen                Mr. Yishai Fraenkel

       Rector                                    President               Vice President and Director General